• Question: is it true that Spanish flu was first originating in france due to trench warfare

    Asked by anon-250437 to SarahCarter, Samir, Ricardo, Nuru, Kate, Amadou on 16 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Nuru Noor

      Nuru Noor answered on 16 Mar 2020:

      I don’t think anybody quite knows exactly where it came from – but at the time Spain had more freedom to report cases.

      So even though other countries probably had cases before Spain, because Spain started reporting large numbers – it got called the Spanish flu 👍

    • Photo: Kate Mitchell

      Kate Mitchell answered on 16 Mar 2020:

      We don’t know for sure – there are different theories that it could have started in France, in Kansas (in the USA) or in northern China! But not in Spain.
