• Question: Do you think the overuse of antibiotics will have a negative affect in the future?

    Asked by anon-249633 to Robyn on 12 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Robyn Kiy

      Robyn Kiy answered on 12 Mar 2020: last edited 12 Mar 2020 1:55 pm

      This is a great question. Unfortunately, I think the answer is yes. Taking antibiotics when we don’t need to, or not completing a prescribed course of antibiotics can lead to the development of resistant bacteria, that are not killed by antibiotics. This means that treatment which was previously effective against bacterial diseases may not be effective anymore. Therefore, diseases and infections that are currently viewed as not being that dangerous due to the ability of antibiotics to treat them may become more deadly.
      Antibiotics revolutionised modern medicine, and have saved countless lives throughout the years. There are a lot of scientists throughout the world who are currently working to develop and discover new antibiotics, so hopefully there will be some life-saving discoveries made in the future! In the meantime, it’s important to only take antibiotics when absolutely necessary, and to always complete the course of antibiotics prescribed.
